Wonowon Community Improvements
The PRRD is working with the residents of Wonowon to determine community preferences and possible next steps for a proposed trail and road improvements in the community.
A 2020 feasibility study highlighted various options and costs for trail construction, street lighting and road upgrades along Wonowon Road, Wonowon Subdivision Road, and Wonowon Extension Road.
It's now time for the community to look at the options and costs in detail, to provide feedback and to help set a direction for the proposed community improvements.
How did the PRRD choose the proposed route for the trail?
The North side of the road was chosen based on existing MoTI right-a-ways and property lines. On the South side of the road, there is minimal separation between the road and property line which will prevent the ability to develop the trail to the standards required, and accommodate the features requested by residents. The amount of clearing, property acquisition, and ditching required presents many challenges, and based on the work completed during the feasibility, trail development on the South side is not feasible.