Bessborough Fire Service Expansion Study

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The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) is seeking public input regarding the potential expansion of fire protection services to Bessborough and the neighboring rural areas of Farmington and Sunrise Valley in Electoral Area D.

This initiative is part of a broader rightsholder and public engagement strategy aimed at determining interest, setting expectations, assessing feasibility and informing the decision-making processes.

The PRRD has partnered with FireWise, a seasoned fire protection consultant with a strong understanding of the unique nature of rural communities, front-line firefighting and neighboring fire protection arrangements.

The Regional District will be engaging residents in the target communities through in-person town hall sessions and a community survey from July 26 to September 26, 2024.

All resident feedback will be collected by the project team and kept anonymous for the final report summary. The final report will be presented with staff recommendations at a future Board Meeting, where the Regional Board will then provide direction on next steps which could include a referendum.

Have Your Say!

  • Take the online community survey
  • Or request a hard copy to be mailed to you, with prepaid postage include for the return, by emailing or by calling 250-784-3200.
  • Printed surveys are also available at both PRRD offices in Dawson Creek (1981 Alaska Avenue) and Fort St John (9505 100 Street).
  • RSVP to attend a Town Hall session on September 24 or 26 at Farmington Community Hall from 7-9pm

The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) is seeking public input regarding the potential expansion of fire protection services to Bessborough and the neighboring rural areas of Farmington and Sunrise Valley in Electoral Area D.

This initiative is part of a broader rightsholder and public engagement strategy aimed at determining interest, setting expectations, assessing feasibility and informing the decision-making processes.

The PRRD has partnered with FireWise, a seasoned fire protection consultant with a strong understanding of the unique nature of rural communities, front-line firefighting and neighboring fire protection arrangements.

The Regional District will be engaging residents in the target communities through in-person town hall sessions and a community survey from July 26 to September 26, 2024.

All resident feedback will be collected by the project team and kept anonymous for the final report summary. The final report will be presented with staff recommendations at a future Board Meeting, where the Regional Board will then provide direction on next steps which could include a referendum.

Have Your Say!

  • Take the online community survey
  • Or request a hard copy to be mailed to you, with prepaid postage include for the return, by emailing or by calling 250-784-3200.
  • Printed surveys are also available at both PRRD offices in Dawson Creek (1981 Alaska Avenue) and Fort St John (9505 100 Street).
  • RSVP to attend a Town Hall session on September 24 or 26 at Farmington Community Hall from 7-9pm
  • Ways to engage

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    A short community survey is available for area residents and businesses from July 26 to September 26, 2024. Responses are anonymous and will only be used to inform our overall report and understanding of community expectations.


    Please click here.

    Hard copies

    Available at the Peace River Regional District offices in Dawson Creek (1981 Alaska Avenue) and Fort St. John (9505 100 Street). Or you can request a copy to be mailed to you with prepaid postage included for the return by emailing or calling 250-784-3200.

    Attend an in-person Town Hall session

    Residents in the target areas are invited to attend an in-person Town Hall session in September to review the goals, proposed services areas and ask questions:

    September 24 and 26 | 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
    Farmington Community Hall
    4794 Parkland Road

    RSVP on Facebook

    Engage on this project page

    Follow the project by selecting 'Subscribe' on the right side of the screen. Visit the 'Question' tab to ask a question for the project team.

Page last updated: 02 Aug 2024, 03:06 PM