Key Dates
Connectivity Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2487, 2022
This bylaw establishes a service function for the Regional Board to receive grants and requisition funds to be used to provide grants to internet service providers and enter into agreements with internet service providers for the installation and operation of broadband infrastructure in under and unserved communities. View the full bylaw here(External link).
Expression of Interest
PRRD Broadband and Cellular Gap Fulfillment (EOI). The PRRD is seeking expressions of interest from qualified Internet and cellular service providers interested in entering into a partnership agreement with the PRRD to apply for provincial and federal grant funding, or receive grant funding from the PRRD to expand Broadband Infrastructure in the region capable of providing high-speed Internet cellular access along highways.
BC Request to Participation
PRRD participated in a RTP by the province of BC. The Request to Participate (RTP) process is an opportunity for the Province to obtain regional and market information, validate cost assumptions and gauge potential market interest in providing connectivity services to underserved regions of the Province.
PRRD establishes "Connectivity" Committee
That the Regional Board authorize the establishment of a Broadband Internet and Mobility Standing Committee to expand upon the work of the Fiber Working Group and the PRRD Connectivity Strategy.
The role of the Standing Committee will be to engage with service providers and stakeholders, research and review current technologies and market trends, share information, examine funding opportunities, develop a connectivity work plan, and make recommendations to the PRRD Board regarding Broadband Internet and mobility policy to fulfill the PRRD’s connectivity vision.
Report Presented at COW
The PRRD Connectivity Report is presented to the Committee of the Whole.
PRRD Connectivity Strategy Presented to FWG
The draft PRRD Connectivity Strategy was presented to the FWG, and then presented to the Committee of the Whole.
CIRA Portal Added
The PRRD CIRA portal(External link) was set up and made available to all PRRD residents to test their Internet speed.
Fibre Working Group
The Fiber Working Group (FWG) consisted of representatives from Electoral Areas B, C, D and E, and the City of Dawson Creek, District of Chetwynd, District of Taylor, District of Hudson’s Hope, and the Village of Pouce Coupe.
Topics covered and discussed:
- Broadband Fundamentals
- Distribution Technologies
- Review of PRRD Needs Assessment Report - 2020
- Funding Programs
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Evaluation Principles for evaluating letters of support
- Project Governance Models
- Priorities and vision for individual FWG members
- Presentation from the Ministry of Citizen Services regarding Connected Communities
- Presentation from the Ministry of Citizen Services regarding SpaceX
- Presentation from NDIT regarding Letters of Support from internet service providers for broadband funding
- Broadband Mapping Exercises
PRRD Hires Valo
That the Regional Board enter into an agreement with Valo Networks to develop a high level design and costing for the PRRD connectivity strategy.
Request for Proposal Submitted
The Peace River Regional District put out a Request for Proposal (RFP) to find a contractor to complete the Regional Connectivity Needs Assessment
Report Presented to EDAC
The report was presented to Peace River Regional District Electoral Area Directors Committee and Board by April 30, 2020.